The LOMELLINA - 2002 -


This document has been made with the financial help of the European community. The point de views presented in these pages are those of its authors and therefore do not represent the official point of view of the European commity.

As part of the Euromed Heritage II program, this section of the GRAN website will be integrated to the portal « La Navigation du Savoir - Réseau des Arsenaux historiques de la Méditerranée ».

In Villefranche-sur-Mer, there is the shipwrech of the Lomellina, a Genovese ship sunk in 1516 during a particularly violent storm.
Discovered on April 6 1979 by Alain Visquis during an exploration dive. The wreck has been excavated, from 1982 to 1990, 9 campaigns, representing aproximately 4750 dives total.
After about 10 years, a campaign was organized in October 2001 with the main objective of verifying data on the Lomellina structure. The mission ended with a reconstitution of the ship profile and creation of a model.

In 2002, the wreck was chosen for a training program on underwater archaeology techniques. This workshop is part of « La Navigation du Savoir - Réseau des arsenaux historiques de la Méditerranée » project , supervised by University of Malta, along with 14 partners including UNESCO.

Click here to access the daily log book
Cliquer pour accèder au journal


The trainees this year are from Malta and France.
The GRAN has set up during this operation a real-time broadcast system to publish the information collected during the excavation.The GRAN published daily the operations. On one hand the daily news (log book) and on the other a serie of illustrated articles based on research (sciences, technique, history and archaeology). This data is directly accessible on the GRAN website from September 4th to 28th 2002 or through links with institutional partner's websites: Ministère de la Culture, UNESCO, Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Palais de la Découverte. These pages are now integrated as an independant section in the website. This completes the data published online in October 2001.


Ship: the Tibériade, based in Villefranche-sur-Mer.

THE TEAM - 2002 -

Operations manager
Max Guérout

Martine Sciallano - Curator of the Istres museum.
Jean-Marie Gassend (CNRS) - In charge of architectural measurements and reporting.
Joe Guesnon - Technical Coordinator of the mission.
Michelle Hamblin - Material inventory.

Dive Coordinators
Hervé Crozat, Philippe Livoury, Fanch Cabioc'h, Didier Pérardel.

GRAN diver
Edgar Aicardi

- Timmy Gambin (Malta)
- Michael Spiteri (Malta)
- Elaine Azzopardi (Malta)
- Malia Joanne (Malta)
- Anne Joyard (France)
- Fanch Cabioc'h (France)
- Pierre Vacher (France)

Transmission of scientific data via Internet (Villefranche-sur-Mer) : Max Guérout and Noé Sardet.
Development of the site (Paris) : Sébastien Eon.

English translations : Noé Sardet.


(Mediterranean Program)

Ministère de la Culture Palais de la Découverte MNATP
Research and Technology Mission
Mission coordinator :
Jean-Pierre Dalbera

- Link - 
Palais de la Découverte.
(Discovery Palace)

- Link -
National Museum of
Popular Arts and Traditions

Conseil Général du VAR Marine Nationale CNRS
Conseil Général du Var Spirotechnie CNRS


(Unité Mixte de Service d'Histoire et Archéologie maritime)
Mixed Research Team of History and Maritime Archaeology Services

CNRS Associates
- National Marine Museum-
University of Paris IV- Sorbonne