The Diaries
November 7th, 2006
:: 2006 :: 7/07 - 11/09 - 10/10 - 11/10 - 12/10 - 13/10 - 14/10 - 16/10 - 17/10 - 18/10 - 19/10 - 20/10 - 21/10 - 23/10 - 24/10 - 25/10 - 26/10 - 27/10 - 28/10 - 30/10 - 31/10 - 01/11 - 02/11 - 03/11- 04/11 - 06/11 - 07/11 - 08/11 - 10/11
- Delayed departure -

One of the last meals we had together
Credit : Jacques Morin

The news came at the beginning of the day. The Transall which was planned to take us on the following day was out of order. It would rather arrive on Tuesday or Friday, or God only knew…

The things which were urgent were no longer considered as such. That was the positive aspect of a delay which was worrying almost all of us. Of course, the head of the team would be held responsible for keeping the model husbands away from their family for some more days. The tent we had to take down that evening would stay pitched at least one more day.

In that morning we thought about the Saint Leu’s students and Catherine Decelle who put us in contact with their teachers and gave us a memory card in which we would put a gift for the children.

The tent remained pitched
Credit : Max Guérout

Sudel Fuma composed a song for them, which we sung –almost- in chorus. We were not as good as “Les Choristes” - at all- but it was the thought that counted. Jean-Marie de Bernardy filmed the “show” a bit into the light, in such a way that we couldn’t see very well those who were not singing but heard very well those who were singing out of tune. I hoped this little present would make the children smile or even laugh.

Knowing that our stay on the island was getting close to its end, our small penfriends from schools and high schools had sent us several messages which were transmitted by Sébastien Eon, responsible for our website. One class of Saint Leu wrote us under the name of “Dodos”, so they joined the club already formed by the “Archéosjuniors” (“Junior Archaelogists”) and the “Ptits découvreurs” (“Littl' discoverers”).

Family portrait near the restored gun
Credit : Max Guérout

The gun was shining after it had been coated with Rustol™ and the mounting was covered by a slightly oily protective product. It was so beautiful that everybody wanted to be photographed close to it.

Before breakfast time, the team of the station lined up in order of height behind the mounting to make a “family portrait”. We did the same.




Rédacteur : M. Guérout

      © GRAN 2004 - 2006